3-Step Klaviyo Strategy

Consistency + Segmentation + Plain Text Emails

Simply Creations is a Puerto Rican company dedicated to unleashing creativity by inspiring a creative community. They also supply all the necessary materials to bring your creative projects to life.

Solving a Silent but Costly Problem

Our collaboration with Simply Creations began in February 2023. They had an email list that was mostly unresponsive to their communications. 

The root cause? Inconsistent messaging. 

Unfortunately, this inconsistency led to a significant decrease in open rates, click rates and conversions.

Calendar Consistency, Smart Segmentation, and Plain Text

The initial 3-step strategy we adopted for Simply Creations included:

  • Developing a Timely Messaging Calendar

  • Segmenting Into Smaller Groups

  • Launching Plain Text Email Campaigns

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Through these steps, we aimed to re-engage and reactivate subscribers who were not opening and clicking through on the brand’s emails.

A month after rolling out our communication and segmentation strategy, Klaviyo's data reflected an impressive jump in revenue from 12% to 26%. 

Additionally, we saw open rates soar to 47.9% and click rates to 1.57%.

As you can see from Simply Creations' experience, even a well-positioned company can suffer significant, costly setbacks if they neglect their subscriber base for a short period of time.

The good news is that brands can quickly see significant improvements by clearly defining the problem and executing a personalized, segmented strategy. 

That’s why it's crucial to consistently engage your email database, offering them promotional deals and delivering valuable content.

Remarkable Turnaround

The Impact of Strategy

In Simply Creations’ case, our team demonstrated the positive impact of implementing an effective 3-step Klaviyo strategy, including a messaging calendar, segmentation, and plain text emails. 

Furthermore, proper segmentation can reduce the number of contacts that need to be removed due to their lack of interaction with the brand.

We showed how these steps can help ecommerce and DTC brands expand their reach and enhance engagement while boosting revenue.

Staying Top-of-Mind

The Power of Persistent Recall

We currently send 4 to 6 campaigns per month to keep Simply Creations fresh in peoples’ minds. This strategy, known to marketers as “Top-Of-Mind-Awareness”, is crucial to driving more engagement and repeat sales while maximizing ROAS.

While sending weekly campaigns is ideal in most cases, we don’t send out mass emails every week with certain brands. An occasional touch at the right time usually gets the job done. 

While frequent email campaigns are ideal, most brands can benefit from periodic, well-timed emails. The goal remains the same: to nurture the subscriber base and ensure that people remember the brand when they’re ready to buy.

As you can see, email marketing is a powerful tool that can help grow your audience, boost AOV, and greatly increase customer lifetime value (CLV).

At ED Digital, we can help you bring your project to life from day one.

Want to see how we can re-engage and reactivate subscribers?

Explore Our Success Stories

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